The end-of-year review is here. We like to take a moment and reflect on our work as we remind ourselves of some important lessons, and extend many thanks to our clients in 2016.
Great Clients = Great Results. Our clients welcome us into their homes. They tolerate the inevitable noise, delays, and disruption. They entrust us with their hard-earned dollars. The inconvenience can be minor or major, but it's there. We don't forget any of that. We strive to deliver great results for our clients, and their word-of-mouth referrals are vital to our business.
Patience is Rewarded. The pace of our clients' lives often resembles a breathless sprint. But even under the best circumstances, construction resembles a brisk walk with a couple breaks on the park bench. Delays occur, surprises pop up occasionally, clients change their minds, we think of a better solution than we originally proposed, and mistakes are more likely when hurried. Patience with the process and all the people involved is a sanity-saver.
This first floor renovation has been over a year in the making, and the entire job should have been completed within 6 months. We were second on the scene, after the first firm responsible for completing this project was discharged. Hats off to the clients who kept their cool throughout the entire ordeal.
Go the Distance. Half-measures are rarely rewarded, and this is no more true than in construction. Time, energy, headache, and money are involved; incomplete fixes are going to lead to more of the same in the future. Consider the example of a new sewer line we had to install in a basement. When the previous home-owners removed a mature tree, they decided to skip the stump-grinder. The tree was gone, but the roots continued to grow over the years. What could have been avoided for $200 years ago is a $2,500 fix today.
A big thank-you to all of our clients and the numerous people working behind the scenes to ensure we met our client's expectations in 2016. We wish you all great success in 2017.