We had some disruptions (ahem) in our work flow recently, and it gave us a chance to rescue a bench before it went to the landfill. It can be yours by sending your winning bid to samantha@afinishedspace.com before noon CST on August 7, 2020. We will notify the winner by email and post the winning bid here. All proceeds go to the Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund. Please share this with a friend who might be interested!
A former Evanston park bench, with new legs and ready for a second life.
Back Story: The City of Evanston was replacing its park benches a few years ago, and a friend diverted these from the landfill. They were in rough shape, missing legs, etc. We used some recent stay-at-home time to salvage them. It seemed like a good idea that Evanston should get the benefit of their discarded benches. That’s why we chose the Evanston Community Rapid Response Fund as the recipient of your charitable donation.
The Details: This bench is 93” long and 19” wide. It is made of red cedar that we cleaned, sanded, stained, and finished with Penofin for high durability. Perfect for a backyard patio or pool deck, and can also be used inside. We purchased and installed four steel legs that received two coats of Ferrous Metal Primer for exterior use and two coats of blue Dutch oil paint. Light weight for the size, but easier to move with two people. This would cost you $$ from a custom fabricator, and yeah, we know this is totally over-engineered for a salvaged bench. It’s a lemons-to-lemonade kind of deal. Let’s do some good.
Please submit your bid for the pictured bench to samantha@afinishedspace.com by noon on August 7, 2020 with your bid amount, name, and best way to contact you. High bidder can mail a check directly to: ECF, 1560 Sherman Ave., Suite 535, Evanston, IL 60201. Winner is responsible for picking up the bench in Wilmette and any paperwork you need for a tax deduction. Let’s go!